Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Journal: November 16, 2016

Dear Ella,

I'm having buttered toast and coffee for breakfast this morning. My toast is tiny, oval shapes, like little pieces of baby bread. This makes me think of you, Little Ella Bread, Baby Ella Toast. If you were here, I'd share with you. I'd make you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich just like I used to make for your mommy.

I've heard you've become a baby food snob and now refuse to eat that stuff from the jar. I can imagine your chubby face and puckered lips refusing your mommy's attempts to feed you. As your mommy said, I guess it's time to move on.

I put some frozen ground beef on the counter to thaw out. I'm making sweet and sour meatballs for dinner. Maybe you'd like to eat dinner with us tonight? :)

Know this, precious child, I love you! I know we are far away, but my heart is with you!
